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frankly my dear i don't give a damn
All We Got Is Cotton, Slaves, and ARROGANCE!
Gone With The Wind --Frankly, My Dear
Frankly my dear I don't give a damn - Clark Gable - Gone with the Wind
rhett butler not giving a damn for 5 minutes straight
Gone with the Wind- Rhett Butler's Best Lines
Frankly My Dear, I Don't Give A Damn || Rhett Buttler
"Frankly My Dear I Don't Give a Damn" - Gone With The Wind (1939)
Gone with the Wind (1/6) Movie CLIP - Scarlett Meets Rhett (1939) HD
CIAK - Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn - Gone with the Wind 1939
GONE WITH THE WIND Final Scene (1939) Clark Gabel
Frankly, My Dear, I Don't Give a Damn, Gone with the Wind (1939)